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The purpose of the Pain Inducing Quiz is to make the prospect feel the situation they are in so they are compelled to book an appointment to remove that pain.

The quiz is NOT a qualification Quiz. A quiz that qualifies the prospect.

The quiz is there to show the prospect that they have a problem and can solve it because you raised the issues in the quiz.

Quiz Questions

There should be 5-10 questions that are easy to answer on a mobile device, with an additional three questions for the contact’s Name, Email and Phone.

Each question should:

  1. Have a simple answer as possible. For example, YES and NO are the simplest, then there are multiple choice answers, and then there are open-ended questions. Try to make as few written answers as possible
  2. Each question should reveal a problem in the prospect’s business or life. By answering a negative to the question, they should have a sinking feeling
  3. Try to make all the negative answers NO so they get into a rhythm of answering NO, and momentum starts to build
  4. By the end of the quiz, they should feel overwhelmed with their issues. You will show them that these issues are actual opportunities that they can fix to grow their business
  5. Make sure you have enough questions to build the pain, but not too much that they don’t get through the quiz. The only time they will be able to book an appointment is if they complete the quiz
  6. At the end of the quiz, we want to give them a low score 

Types of Questions

There are a few types of questions you can create. The best are YES and NO questions, as they are easy to fill on a mobile device.

YES/NO Example

Do you have a business plan that you refer to monthly?

Multiple Choice Example

Which marketing strategies are you currently using that are working for you?

Open-Ended Question Example

Write your top 3 goals you have for your business.

The Key to Success Pain Inducing Questions

The best way to create a pain inducing question is to base the question on a pain point that a client has or based on an outcome they want but don’t have.

Examples are:

  1. Pain Point – Are you confident you practitioners deliver the same or better level of clinical outcomes as you?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Outcome they want – Do you take more than 8 weeks per year for holidays?
    1. Yes
    2. No

Example Quiz Questions

Here is an example of the questions in a high-converting quiz for a coach that deals with Healthcare practice owners.

Craft Your Quiz Questions

Below are the worksheets to create your quiz questions so they are ready to put into the funnel next week.

Google Doc

Microsoft Word